Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to the course!

    • Welcome

    • How to use this course

    • Before we begin...

    • Assessing Initial Knowledge Base

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    • Trainerize Overview

    • Naamly Overview

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    • Anatomy Overview

    • Skeletal System Overview

    • Anatomy - Lower Body

    • Anatomy - Upper Body

    • Anatomy Fluency Test

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    Exercise Execution

    • Squatting Cues

    • Squat Fluency Test

    • Deadlift Cues

    • Deadlift Fluency Test

    • One Arm DB Row

    • Barbell Bench Press

    • DB Incline Bench Press

    • One Arm Row & Bench Press Fluency

    • Lat Pulldown

    • Lunge - Glute Focus

    • Tricep Pressdown

    • Pushup

    • Straight Leg Deadlift - Romanian Deadlift

    • DB Fly

    • Dips

    • Abs

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    Brilliant at the Basics

    • Knowing Yourself

    • Appearance

    • Education

    • Preparation

    • Verbal Communication

    • Non-verbal Communication

    • Minimal Effective Dose - HBI

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    • The Diet Priorities

    • Fat Loss Principles

    • Calories and Macros for Fat Loss

    • Timing, Food Composition, and Supplements for Fat Loss

    • Myths, Misconceptions and Special Circumstances

    • The Twinkie Diet

    • The Diet Soda Myth

    • Nutrition Quiz

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    Body Composition / Fat Loss Training

    • Preventing Muscle Loss on a Cut

    • The Best Way to Lose Fat - Menno Henselmans

    • Proper Training for Fat Loss?

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    Program Design

    • Sets, Reps, Intensity, Volume

    • Summary of Sets & Volume

    • Rest Intervals

    • Landmarks for Appropriate Rest Intervals

    • Sets and Rest Intervals Quiz

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    Next steps

    • Reassessing Knowledge Base

    • Before you go...